Friday, April 17, 2015


I enjoyed reading and strongly agree with Government: For Us or Against Us’ well written and argued post about whether or not guns should be allowed on school campuses. If an individual wants to carry and be licensed for a handgun, it is their choice and their right. I do believe that there should be mandatory physiological exams for those who want to be licensed, as well as gun safety training and mandatory time spent at a shooting range. Similar to CPR training, the license and courses should be renewed and updated regularly. If carrying makes someone feel safer, and they are properly licensed and trained then I do not see a problem with the law being passed. A person could want to be licensed for any number of reasons. They could be the victims of a home invasion, and can only sleep at night knowing they can defend themselves. They could be ex-military and can only feel safe with a weapon after years of combat. They could just be from Texas. Either way, it is none of my business, and they are allowed to exercise their Constitutional right to bear arms. Criminals will find a way to get weapons. If the laws crack down on public carry and the militarization of the police continues, we are the only people left unarmed and defenseless. Underwood summarizes her point best when saying, “protection is what we need and sometimes we are the only ones that can supply that for ourselves”, and I could not agree more. 

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